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Legend (MAGIC/Marine)

Classified Bivalve Mollusc Harvesting Areas (England and Wales) (1)
Shellfish Waters (England) (2)
Shellfish Waters (Wales) (3)
6 Nautical Mile Limit (GB) (5)
12 Nautical Mile Limit (GB) (6)
UK Continental Shelf (GB) (7)
ICES Rectangles (GB) (8)
ICES Statistical Areas (GB) (9)
MMO Marine Plan Areas (England) (10)
Standing Approvals (England and Wales) (12)
Petroleum Licences (GB) (14)
Nuclear Power Stations (GB) (15)
Offshore Windfarms (GB) (16)
Pipelines (GB) (17)
Subsea Petroleum Infrastructure (GB) (18)
Surface Petroleum Infrastructure (GB) (19)
Well Heads (GB) (20)
SPA/SAC Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide (H1140) points (23)
Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1) Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1)
Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2) Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2)
Intertidal mud (A2.3) Intertidal mud (A2.3)
Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4) Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4)
Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61) Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61)
SAC Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time (H1110) points (24)
Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1) Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1)
Subtidal sand (A5.2) Subtidal sand (A5.2)
Subtidal mud (A5.3) Subtidal mud (A5.3)
Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4) Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4)
Mearl beds (A5.51) Mearl beds (A5.51)
Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53) Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53)
SPA Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time (H1110) points (25)
Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1) Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1)
Subtidal sand (A5.2) Subtidal sand (A5.2)
Subtidal mud (A5.3) Subtidal mud (A5.3)
Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4) Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4)
Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53) Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53)
SPA/SAC Reefs (H1170) points (26)
Intertidal rock (A1) Intertidal rock (A1)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71) Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5) Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5)
Infralittoral rock (A3) Infralittoral rock (A3)
Circalittoral rock (A4) Circalittoral rock (A4)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61) Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6) Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6)
SPA/SAC Submerged or partially submerged seacaves (H8330) points (27)
Sea Caves (H8330) Sea Caves (H8330)
SPA/SAC Saltmarsh points (28)
Saltmarsh (A2.5) Saltmarsh (A2.5)
SPA/SAC Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide (H1140) polygons (29)
Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1) Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1)
Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2) Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2)
Intertidal mud (A2.3) Intertidal mud (A2.3)
Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4) Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4)
Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61) Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61)
SAC Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time (H1110) polygons (30)
Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1) Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1)
Subtidal sand (A5.2) Subtidal sand (A5.2)
Subtidal mud (A5.3) Subtidal mud (A5.3)
Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4) Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4)
Maerl beds (A5.51) Maerl beds (A5.51)
Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53) Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53)
SPA Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time (H1110) polygons (31)
Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1) Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1)
Subtidal sand (A5.2) Subtidal sand (A5.2)
Subtidal mud (A5.3) Subtidal mud (A5.3)
Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4) Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4)
Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53) Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53)
SPA/SAC Reefs (H1170) polygons (32)
Intertidal rock (A1) Intertidal rock (A1)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71) Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5) Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5)
Infralittoral rock (A3) Infralittoral rock (A3)
Circalittoral rock (A4) Circalittoral rock (A4)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61) Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6) Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6)
SPA/SAC Submerged or partially submerged seacaves (H8330) polygons (33)
Sea Caves (H8330) Sea Caves (H8330)
SPA/SAC Saltmarsh polygons (34)
Spartina swards (<ITA>Spartinion maritimae</ITA>, H1320) Spartina swards (<ITA>Spartinion maritimae</ITA>, H1320)
Saltmarsh (A2.5) Saltmarsh (A2.5)
Estuaries (H1130): Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide (H1140) points (36)
Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1) Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1)
Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2) Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2)
Intertidal mud (A2.3) Intertidal mud (A2.3)
Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4) Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4)
Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61) Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61)
Estuaries (H1130): Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time (H1110) points (37)
Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1) Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1)
Subtidal sand (A5.2) Subtidal sand (A5.2)
Subtidal mud (A5.3) Subtidal mud (A5.3)
Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4) Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4)
Mearl beds (A5.51) Mearl beds (A5.51)
Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53) Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53)
Estuaries (H1130): Reefs (H1170) points (38)
Intertidal rock (A1) Intertidal rock (A1)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71) Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5) Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5)
Infralittoral rock (A3) Infralittoral rock (A3)
Circalittoral rock (A4) Circalittoral rock (A4)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61) Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6) Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6)
Estuaries (H1130): Saltmarsh points (39)
Saltmarsh (A2.5) Saltmarsh (A2.5)
Large Shallow Inlets and Bays (H1160): Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide (H1140) points (40)
Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1) Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1)
Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2) Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2)
Intertidal mud (A2.3) Intertidal mud (A2.3)
Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4) Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4)
Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61) Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61)
Large Shallow Inlets and Bays (H1160): Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time (H1110) points (41)
Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1) Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1)
Subtidal sand (A5.2) Subtidal sand (A5.2)
Subtidal mud (A5.3) Subtidal mud (A5.3)
Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4) Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4)
Maerl Beds (A5.51) Maerl Beds (A5.51)
Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53) Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53)
Large Shallow Inlets and Bays (H1160): Reefs (H1170) points (42)
Intertidal rock (A1) Intertidal rock (A1)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71) Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5) Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5)
Infralittoral rock (A3) Infralittoral rock (A3)
Circalittoral rock (A4) Circalittoral rock (A4)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61) Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6) Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6)
Large Shallow Inlets and Bays (H1160): Saltmarsh points (43)
Saltmarsh (A2.5) Saltmarsh (A2.5)
Estuaries (H1130): Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide (H1140) polygons (44)
Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1E) Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1E)
Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2E) Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2E)
Intertidal mud (A2.3E) Intertidal mud (A2.3E)
Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4E) Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4E)
Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61E) Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61E)
Estuaries (H1130): Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time (H1110) polygons (45)
Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1E) Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1E)
Subtidal sand (A5.2E) Subtidal sand (A5.2E)
Subtidal mud (A5.3E) Subtidal mud (A5.3E)
Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4E) Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4E)
Maerl beds (A5.51E) Maerl beds (A5.51E)
Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53E) Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53E)
Estuaries (H1130): Reefs (H1170) polygons (46)
Intertidal rock (A1E) Intertidal rock (A1E)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71E) Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71E)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5E) Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5E)
Infralittoral rock (A3E) Infralittoral rock (A3E)
Circalittoral rock (A4E) Circalittoral rock (A4E)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61E) Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61E)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6E) Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6E)
Estuaries (H1130): Saltmarsh polygons (47)
Spartina swards (<ITA>Spartinion maritimae</ITA>, H1320E) Spartina swards (<ITA>Spartinion maritimae</ITA>, H1320E)
Saltmarsh (A2.5E) Saltmarsh (A2.5E)
Large Shallow Inlets and Bays (H1160): Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide (H1140) polygons (48)
Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1L) Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1L)
Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2L) Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2L)
Intertidal mud (A2.3L) Intertidal mud (A2.3L)
Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4L) Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4L)
Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61L) Intertidal seagrass beds (A2.61L)
Large Shallow Inlets and Bays (H1160): Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time (H1110) polygons (49)
Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1L) Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1L)
Subtidal sand (A5.2L) Subtidal sand (A5.2L)
Subtidal mud (A5.3L) Subtidal mud (A5.3L)
Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4L) Subtidal mixed sediment (A5.4L)
Maerl beds (A5.51L) Maerl beds (A5.51L)
Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53L) Subtidal seagrass beds (A5.53L)
Large Shallow Inlets and Bays (H1160): Reefs (H1170) polygons (50)
Intertidal rock (A1L) Intertidal rock (A1L)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71L) Intertidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) (A2.71L)
Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5L) Intertidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_5L)
Infralittoral rock (A3L) Infralittoral rock (A3L)
Circalittoral rock (A4L) Circalittoral rock (A4L)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61L) Subtidal biogenic reefs: (<ITA>Sabellaria spp.</ITA>) (A5.61L)
Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6L) Subtidal biogenic reefs: mussel beds (SF_SH_6L)
Large Shallow Inlets and Bays (H1160): Saltmarsh polygons (51)
Spartina swards (<ITA>Spartinion maritimae</ITA>, H1320L) Spartina swards (<ITA>Spartinion maritimae</ITA>, H1320L)
Saltmarsh (A2.5L) Saltmarsh (A2.5L)
MCZ Species Features of Conservation Importance (Points) (53)
Tentacled lagoon-worm (<ITA>Alkmaria romijni</ITA>, SOCI 1) Tentacled lagoon-worm (<ITA>Alkmaria romijni</ITA>, SOCI 1)
Sea-fan anemone (<ITA>Amphianthus dohrnii</ITA>, SOCI 2) Sea-fan anemone (<ITA>Amphianthus dohrnii</ITA>, SOCI 2)
Ocean quahog (<ITA>Arctica islandica</ITA>, SOCI 3) Ocean quahog (<ITA>Arctica islandica</ITA>, SOCI 3)
Lagoon sandworm (<ITA>Armandia cirrhosa</ITA>, SOCI 4) Lagoon sandworm (<ITA>Armandia cirrhosa</ITA>, SOCI 4)
Fan mussel (<ITA>Atrina pectinata</ITA>, SOCI 5) Fan mussel (<ITA>Atrina pectinata</ITA>, SOCI 5)
Defolin's lagoon snail (<ITA>Caecum armoricum</ITA>, SOCI 6) Defolin's lagoon snail (<ITA>Caecum armoricum</ITA>, SOCI 6)
Burgundy maerl paint weed (<ITA>Cruoria cruoriaeformis</ITA>, SOCI 7) Burgundy maerl paint weed (<ITA>Cruoria cruoriaeformis</ITA>, SOCI 7)
Pink sea-fan (<ITA>Eunicella verrucosa</ITA>, SOCI 8) Pink sea-fan (<ITA>Eunicella verrucosa</ITA>, SOCI 8)
Lagoon sand shrimp (<ITA>Gammarus insensibilis</ITA>, SOCI 9) Lagoon sand shrimp (<ITA>Gammarus insensibilis</ITA>, SOCI 9)
Amphipod shrimp (<ITA>Gitanopsis bispinosa</ITA>, SOCI 10) Amphipod shrimp (<ITA>Gitanopsis bispinosa</ITA>, SOCI 10)
Giant goby (<ITA>Gobius cobitis</ITA>, SOCI 11) Giant goby (<ITA>Gobius cobitis</ITA>, SOCI 11)
Couch's goby (<ITA>Gobius couchi</ITA>, SOCI 12) Couch's goby (<ITA>Gobius couchi</ITA>, SOCI 12)
Stalked jellyfish (<ITA>Haliclystus</ITA> sp., SOCI 14) Stalked jellyfish (<ITA>Haliclystus</ITA> sp., SOCI 14)
Long snouted seahorse (<ITA>Hippocampus guttulatus</ITA>, SOCI 15) Long snouted seahorse (<ITA>Hippocampus guttulatus</ITA>, SOCI 15)
Short snouted seahorse (<ITA>Hippocampus hippocampus</ITA>, SOCI 16) Short snouted seahorse (<ITA>Hippocampus hippocampus</ITA>, SOCI 16)
Sunset cup coral (<ITA>Leptopsammia pruvoti</ITA>, SOCI 17) Sunset cup coral (<ITA>Leptopsammia pruvoti</ITA>, SOCI 17)
Coral maerl (<ITA>Lithothamnion corallioides</ITA>, SOCI 18) Coral maerl (<ITA>Lithothamnion corallioides</ITA>, SOCI 18)
Stalked jellyfish (<ITA>Calvadosia cruxmelitensis</ITA>, SOCI 19) Stalked jellyfish (<ITA>Calvadosia cruxmelitensis</ITA>, SOCI 19)
Stalked jellyfish (<ITA>Calvadosia campanulata</ITA>, SOCI 20) Stalked jellyfish (<ITA>Calvadosia campanulata</ITA>, SOCI 20)
Starlet sea anemone (<ITA>Nematostella vectensis</ITA>, SOCI 21) Starlet sea anemone (<ITA>Nematostella vectensis</ITA>, SOCI 21)
Peacock's tail (<ITA>Padina pavonica</ITA>, SOCI 23) Peacock's tail (<ITA>Padina pavonica</ITA>, SOCI 23)
Spiny lobster (<ITA>Palinurus elephas</ITA>, SOCI 24) Spiny lobster (<ITA>Palinurus elephas</ITA>, SOCI 24)
Sea snail (<ITA>Paludinella littorina</ITA>, SOCI 25) Sea snail (<ITA>Paludinella littorina</ITA>, SOCI 25)
Common maerl (<ITA>Phymatolithon calcareum</ITA>, SOCI 26) Common maerl (<ITA>Phymatolithon calcareum</ITA>, SOCI 26)
Gooseneck barnacle (<ITA>Pollicipes pollicipes</ITA>, SOCI 27) Gooseneck barnacle (<ITA>Pollicipes pollicipes</ITA>, SOCI 27)
Lagoon sea slug (<ITA>Tenellia adspersa</ITA>, SOCI 28) Lagoon sea slug (<ITA>Tenellia adspersa</ITA>, SOCI 28)
Trembling sea mat (<ITA>Victorella pavida</ITA>, SOCI 29) Trembling sea mat (<ITA>Victorella pavida</ITA>, SOCI 29)
Grateloup's little-lobed weed (<ITA>Grateloupia montagnei</ITA>, SOCI 30) Grateloup's little-lobed weed (<ITA>Grateloupia montagnei</ITA>, SOCI 30)
European eel (<ITA>Anguilla anguilla</ITA>, SOCI 31) European eel (<ITA>Anguilla anguilla</ITA>, SOCI 31)
Smelt (<ITA>Osmerus eperlanus</ITA>, SOCI 32) Smelt (<ITA>Osmerus eperlanus</ITA>, SOCI 32)
Undulate ray (<ITA>Raja undulata</ITA>, SOCI 33) Undulate ray (<ITA>Raja undulata</ITA>, SOCI 33)
Black seabream (<ITA>Spondyliosoma cantharus</ITA>, non ENG 1) Black seabream (<ITA>Spondyliosoma cantharus</ITA>, non ENG 1)
MCZ Habitat Features of Conservation Importance (Points) (54)
Blue Mussel Beds (HOCI 1) Blue Mussel Beds (HOCI 1)
Cold-water coral reefs (HOCI 2) Cold-water coral reefs (HOCI 2)
Estuarine rocky habitats (HOCI 5) Estuarine rocky habitats (HOCI 5)
Fragile sponge and anthozoan communities on subtidal rocky habitats (HOCI 7) Fragile sponge and anthozoan communities on subtidal rocky habitats (HOCI 7)
Honeycomb worm (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 8) Honeycomb worm (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 8)
Horse mussel (<ITA>Modiolus modiolus</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 9) Horse mussel (<ITA>Modiolus modiolus</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 9)
Intertidal under boulder communities (HOCI 10) Intertidal under boulder communities (HOCI 10)
Littoral chalk communities (HOCI 11) Littoral chalk communities (HOCI 11)
Maerl beds (HOCI 12) Maerl beds (HOCI 12)
Mud habitats in deep water (HOCI 13) Mud habitats in deep water (HOCI 13)
Peat and clay exposures (HOCI 15) Peat and clay exposures (HOCI 15)
Ross worm (<ITA>Sabellaria spinulosa</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 16) Ross worm (<ITA>Sabellaria spinulosa</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 16)
Seagrass beds (HOCI 17) Seagrass beds (HOCI 17)
Sea pens and burrowing megafauna (HOCI 18) Sea pens and burrowing megafauna (HOCI 18)
Sheltered muddy gravels (HOCI 19) Sheltered muddy gravels (HOCI 19)
Subtidal chalk (HOCI 20) Subtidal chalk (HOCI 20)
Subtidal sands and gravels (HOCI 21) Subtidal sands and gravels (HOCI 21)
Tide-swept channels (HOCI 22) Tide-swept channels (HOCI 22)
MCZ Broadscale Habitat (Points) (55)
High energy intertidal rock (A1.1) High energy intertidal rock (A1.1)
Moderate energy intertidal rock (A1.2) Moderate energy intertidal rock (A1.2)
Low energy intertidal rock (A1.3) Low energy intertidal rock (A1.3)
Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1) Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1)
Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2) Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2)
Intertidal mud (A2.3) Intertidal mud (A2.3)
Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4) Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4)
Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds (A2.5) Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds (A2.5)
Intertidal sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms (A2.6) Intertidal sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms (A2.6)
Intertidal biogenic reefs (A2.7) Intertidal biogenic reefs (A2.7)
High energy infralittoral rock (A3.1) High energy infralittoral rock (A3.1)
Moderate energy infralittoral rock (A3.2) Moderate energy infralittoral rock (A3.2)
Low energy infralittoral rock (A3.3) Low energy infralittoral rock (A3.3)
High energy circalittoral rock (A4.1) High energy circalittoral rock (A4.1)
Moderate energy circalittoral rock (A4.2) Moderate energy circalittoral rock (A4.2)
Moderate energy circalittoral rock / Subtidal coarse sediment (A4.2/A5.1) Moderate energy circalittoral rock / Subtidal coarse sediment (A4.2/A5.1)
Moderate energy circalittoral rock / Subtidal sand (A4.2/A5.2) Moderate energy circalittoral rock / Subtidal sand (A4.2/A5.2)
Low energy circalittoral rock (A4.3) Low energy circalittoral rock (A4.3)
Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1) Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1)
Subtidal sand (A5.2) Subtidal sand (A5.2)
Subtidal sand / biogenic reefs (A5.2/A5.6) Subtidal sand / biogenic reefs (A5.2/A5.6)
Subtidal mud (A5.3) Subtidal mud (A5.3)
Subtidal mixed sediments (A5.4) Subtidal mixed sediments (A5.4)
Subtidal macrophyte-dominated sediment (A5.5) Subtidal macrophyte-dominated sediment (A5.5)
Subtidal biogenic reefs (A5.6) Subtidal biogenic reefs (A5.6)
MCZ Habitat Features of Conservation Importance (Polygons) (56)
Blue Mussel Beds (HOCI 1) Blue Mussel Beds (HOCI 1)
Cold-water coral reefs (HOCI 2) Cold-water coral reefs (HOCI 2)
Estuarine rocky habitats (HOCI 5) Estuarine rocky habitats (HOCI 5)
File shell beds (HOCI 6) File shell beds (HOCI 6)
Fragile sponge and anthozoan communities on subtidal rocky habitats (HOCI 7) Fragile sponge and anthozoan communities on subtidal rocky habitats (HOCI 7)
Honeycomb worm (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 8) Honeycomb worm (<ITA>Sabellaria alveolata</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 8)
Horse mussel (<ITA>Modiolus modiolus</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 9) Horse mussel (<ITA>Modiolus modiolus</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 9)
Intertidal under boulder communities (HOCI 10) Intertidal under boulder communities (HOCI 10)
Littoral chalk communities (HOCI 11) Littoral chalk communities (HOCI 11)
Maerl beds (HOCI 12) Maerl beds (HOCI 12)
Mud habitats in deep water (HOCI 13) Mud habitats in deep water (HOCI 13)
Peat and clay exposures (HOCI 15) Peat and clay exposures (HOCI 15)
Ross worm (<ITA>Sabellaria spinulosa</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 16) Ross worm (<ITA>Sabellaria spinulosa</ITA>) reefs (HOCI 16)
Seagrass beds (HOCI 17) Seagrass beds (HOCI 17)
Sea pens and burrowing megafauna (HOCI 18) Sea pens and burrowing megafauna (HOCI 18)
Sheltered muddy gravels (HOCI 19) Sheltered muddy gravels (HOCI 19)
Subtidal chalk (HOCI 20) Subtidal chalk (HOCI 20)
Subtidal sands and gravels (HOCI 21) Subtidal sands and gravels (HOCI 21)
Tide-swept channels (HOCI 22) Tide-swept channels (HOCI 22)
Black seabream (<ITA>Spondyliosoma cantharus</ITA>) nesting areas (non_ENG_1) Black seabream (<ITA>Spondyliosoma cantharus</ITA>) nesting areas (non_ENG_1)
MCZ Broadscale Habitat (Polygons) (57)
High energy intertidal rock (A1.1) High energy intertidal rock (A1.1)
High/Moderate energy intertidal rock (A1.1/A1.2) High/Moderate energy intertidal rock (A1.1/A1.2)
Moderate energy intertidal rock (A1.2) Moderate energy intertidal rock (A1.2)
Low energy intertidal rock (A1.3) Low energy intertidal rock (A1.3)
Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1) Intertidal coarse sediment (A2.1)
Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2) Intertidal sand and muddy sand (A2.2)
Intertidal sand and muddy sand/Intertidal mud (A2.2/A2.3) Intertidal sand and muddy sand/Intertidal mud (A2.2/A2.3)
Intertidal mud (A2.3) Intertidal mud (A2.3)
Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4) Intertidal mixed sediments (A2.4)
Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds (A2.5) Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds (A2.5)
Intertidal sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms (A2.6) Intertidal sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms (A2.6)
Intertidal biogenic reefs (A2.7) Intertidal biogenic reefs (A2.7)
High energy infralittoral rock (A3.1) High energy infralittoral rock (A3.1)
Moderate energy infralittoral rock (A3.2) Moderate energy infralittoral rock (A3.2)
Moderate energy infralittoral/circalittoral rock (A3.2/A4.2) Moderate energy infralittoral/circalittoral rock (A3.2/A4.2)
Low energy infralittoral rock (A3.3) Low energy infralittoral rock (A3.3)
High energy circalittoral rock (A4.1) High energy circalittoral rock (A4.1)
High/moderate energy circalittoral rock (A4.1/A4.2) High/moderate energy circalittoral rock (A4.1/A4.2)
Moderate energy circalittoral rock (A4.2) Moderate energy circalittoral rock (A4.2)
Low energy circalittoral rock (A4.3) Low energy circalittoral rock (A4.3)
Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1) Subtidal coarse sediment (A5.1)
Subtidal sand (A5.2) Subtidal sand (A5.2)
Subtidal mud (A5.3) Subtidal mud (A5.3)
Subtidal mixed sediments (A5.4) Subtidal mixed sediments (A5.4)
Subtidal macrophyte-dominated sediment (A5.5) Subtidal macrophyte-dominated sediment (A5.5)
Subtidal biogenic reefs (A5.6) Subtidal biogenic reefs (A5.6)
Infralittoral rock and thin sandy sediment (A3.A2, non ENG 20) Infralittoral rock and thin sandy sediment (A3.A2, non ENG 20)
Infralittoral rock and thin mixed sediment (A3.94, non ENG 21) Infralittoral rock and thin mixed sediment (A3.94, non ENG 21)
Infralittoral muddy sand (A5.24, non ENG 23) Infralittoral muddy sand (A5.24, non ENG 23)
Infralittoral sandy mud (A5.33, non ENG 24) Infralittoral sandy mud (A5.33, non ENG 24)
Marine Annex I Habitats - Coastal lagoons (Polygons) (59)
Coastal lagooons (H1150) Coastal lagooons (H1150)
Marine Annex I Habitats - SAC Complex features (Polygons) (60)
Estuaries (H1130) Estuaries (H1130)
Large shallow inlets and bays (H1160) Large shallow inlets and bays (H1160)
Zostera Sp. (64)
Ruppia Sp. (65)
Mixed or Unspecified Sp. (66)
Zostera Sp. (68)
Ruppia Sp. (69)
Mixed or Unspecified Sp. (70)
Zostera Sp. (74)
2020 2020
2019 2019
2018 2018
2017 2017
2016 2016
2015 2015
2014 2014
2013 2013
2012 2012
2011 2011
2010 2010
2009 2009
2008 2008
2007 2007
2000 2000
Ruppia Sp. (75)
2016 2016
2015 2015
2012 2012
Mixed or Unspecified Sp. (76)
2021 2021
2019 2019
2017 2017
2014 2014
2013 2013
2012 2012
2011 2011
2010 2010
2009 2009
2004 2004
Zostera Sp. (78)
2021 2021
2020 2020
2019 2019
2018 2018
2017 2017
2016 2016
2015 2015
2014 2014
2013 2013
2011 2011
2009 2009
2006 2006
1997 1997
Ruppia Sp. (79)
2017 2017
Mixed or Unspecified Sp. (80)
2017 2017
2015 2015
2013 2013
2012 2012
2011 2011
2010 2010
2009 2009
2004 2004
Zostera Sp. (83)
2018 2018
2015 2015
2014 2014
2012 2012
2011 2011
2010 2010
2009 2009
2008 2008
2003 2003
2000 2000
1998 1998
1997 1997
1985 1985
Mixed or Unspecified Sp. (84)
2014 2014
2013 2013
2012 2012
2004 2004
1998 1998
1992 1992
Zostera Sp. (86)
2019 2019
2015 2015
1985 1985
Mixed or Unspecified Sp. (87)
2015 2015
2012 2012
2006 2006
WFD Estuarine and Coastal Water Bodies Cycle 2 (England) (90)
Special Areas of Conservation (England) (92)
Special Protection Areas (England) (93)
Shellfish Waters (England) (94)
Bathing Waters (England) (95)
Coastal Sensitive Areas - Eutrophic (England) (96)
Intertidal Seagrass Beds (A2.61) (England) (98)
Subtidal Seagrass Beds (A5.53) (England) (99)
Saltmarsh (A2.5) (England) (100)
Chalk Reef (Subtidal Chalk HOCI 20) (England) (101)
Mäerl beds (A5.51, HCOI 12) (England) (102)
Native Oyster Beds (Ostrea edulis beds HOCI 14) (England) (103)
Mussel Beds (Modiolus modiolus, Mytilus edulis & others) (A1.22, A2.72, A5.62, A4.24, A3.361) (England) (104)
Polychaete Reef (A5.61, A2.71, HOCI 8, HOCI 16) (England) (105)
Subtidal Kelp Beds (A3.11, A3.21. A3.22, A3.31, A3.32, A5.52) (England) (106)
Gravel & Cobbles (intertidal & subtidal coarse sediment A2.1, A5.1) (England) (108)
Intertidal Soft Sediment (Sand, Mud & Mixed A2.2, A2.3, A2.4) (England) (109)
Subtidal Soft Sediment (Sand, Mud & Mixed A5.2, A5.3, A5.4) (England) (110)
Rockyshore (Intertidal rock A1) (England) (111)
Subtidal Boulder Field (A3.123, A3.2112, A3.7162) (England) (112)
Subtidal Rocky Reef (Infralittoral and Circalittoral rock A3, A4) (England) (113)