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Legend (MAGIC/HabitatsAndSpecies)

Living England Habitat Map (1)
Acid, Calcareous, Neutral Grassland Acid, Calcareous, Neutral Grassland
Arable and Horticultural Arable and Horticultural
Bare Ground Bare Ground
Bare Sand Bare Sand
Bog Bog
Bracken Bracken
Broadleaved, Mixed and Yew Woodland Broadleaved, Mixed and Yew Woodland
Built-up Areas and Gardens Built-up Areas and Gardens
Coastal Saltmarsh Coastal Saltmarsh
Coastal Sand Dunes Coastal Sand Dunes
Coniferous Woodland Coniferous Woodland
Dwarf Shrub Heath Dwarf Shrub Heath
Fen, Marsh and Swamp Fen, Marsh and Swamp
Improved Grassland Improved Grassland
Scrub Scrub
Unclassified Unclassified
Water Water
Priority Habitat Inventory - Coastal Saltmarsh (England) (3)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Coastal Sand Dunes (England) (4)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Coastal Vegetated Shingle (England) (5)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Maritime Cliffs and Slopes (England) (6)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Mudflats (England) (7)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Saline Lagoons (England) (8)
Saline Lagoons (Wales) (9)
Saltmarsh (Wales) (10)
Sand Dunes (Wales) (11)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Calaminarian Grassland (England) (13)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh (England) (14)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Good quality semi-improved grassland (Non Priority) (England) (15)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Calcareous Grassland (England) (16)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Dry Acid Grassland (England) (17)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Meadows (England) (18)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Purple Moor Grass and Rush Pasture (England) (19)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Upland Calcareous Grassland (England) (20)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Upland Hay Meadows (England) (21)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Heathland (England) (23)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Mountain Heaths and Willow Scrub (England) (24)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Upland Heathland (England) (25)
Moorland Change Map 2022-23 (England) (26)
Cloud Cloud
No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Moorland Change Map 2021-22 (England) (27)
Cloud Cloud
No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Moorland Change Map 2020-21 (England) (28)
Cloud Cloud
No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Moorland Change Map 2019-20 (England) (29)
Cloud Cloud
No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Moorland Change Map 2018-19 (England) (30)
Cloud Cloud
No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Moorland Change Map 2017-18 (England) (31)
Cloud Cloud
No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Moorland Change Map 2016-17 (England) (32)
Cloud Cloud
No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Moorland Change Map 2015-16 (England) (33)
Cloud Cloud
No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation No recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation Recent Burn or Cut in vegetation
Priority Habitat Inventory - Limestone Pavements (England) (35)
Intertidal Substrate Foreshore (England and Scotland) (37)
Boulders/Loose Rock Boulders/Loose Rock
Gravel Gravel
Made Ground (Man Made) Made Ground (Man Made)
Mud Mud
Mud and Gravel Mud and Gravel
Not Present Not Present
Rock Platform Rock Platform
Rock Platform with Bank of Gravel Rock Platform with Bank of Gravel
Rock Platform with Boulders/Loose Rock Rock Platform with Boulders/Loose Rock
Sand Sand
Sand and Gravel Sand and Gravel
Sand and Mud Sand and Mud
Unspecified Unspecified
Intertidal Substrate (Wales) (38)
Mud Mud
Mud/Shingle Mud/Shingle
Rock Rock
Rock/Shingle Rock/Shingle
Sand Sand
Sand/Shingle Sand/Shingle
Shingle Shingle
Nationally Important Intertidal Habitats (Wales) (39)
Seagrass (Wales) (40)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Blanket Bog (England) (42)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Fens (England) (43)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Raised Bog (England) (44)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Reedbeds (England) (45)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Upland Flushes, Fens and Swamps (England) (46)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Ponds and Lakes (England) (47)
Priority Habitat Lakes (48)
Dystrophic Dystrophic
Eutrophic Eutrophic
Mesotrophic (Marl) Mesotrophic (Marl)
Mesotrophic Mesotrophic
Oligotrophic Oligotrophic
OS Priority Ponds with Survey Data (polygons) (49)
Clean Water for Wildife and Priority Pond Clean Water for Wildife and Priority Pond
Clean Water for Wildlife Clean Water for Wildlife
Priority Pond Priority Pond
Surveyed Priority Ponds Points (points) (50)
CWW no OS pond within 30m CWW no OS pond within 30m
CWW within 30m of OS pond CWW within 30m of OS pond
CWW within OS pond CWW within OS pond
PP no OS pond within 30m PP no OS pond within 30m
PP within 30m of OS pond PP within 30m of OS pond
PP within OS pond PP within OS pond
Chalk Rivers (51)
High certainty High certainty
Low certainty Low certainty
Ancient Woodland (England) (53)
Ancient and Semi-Natural Woodland Ancient and Semi-Natural Woodland
Ancient Replanted Woodland Ancient Replanted Woodland
Ancient Woodland – Revised COMPLETED COUNTIES (England) (54)
Ancient & Semi-Natural Woodland Ancient & Semi-Natural Woodland
Ancient Replanted Woodland Ancient Replanted Woodland
Ancient Wood Pasture Ancient Wood Pasture
Priority Habitat Inventory - Deciduous Woodland (England) (55)
Forestry Commission Legal Boundary (England) (56)
National Forest Inventory (GB) (57)
Assumed woodland Assumed woodland
Broadleaved Broadleaved
Cloud \ shadow Cloud \ shadow
Conifer Conifer
Coppice Coppice
Coppice with standards Coppice with standards
Failed Failed
Felled Felled
Ground prep Ground prep
Low density Low density
Mixed mainly broadleaved Mixed mainly broadleaved
Mixed mainly conifer Mixed mainly conifer
Shrub Shrub
Uncertain Uncertain
Windthrow Windthrow
Young trees Young trees
Priority Habitat Inventory - Traditional Orchards (England) (58)
Woodpasture and Parkland BAP Priority Habitat (England) (59)
Common Pheasant and Red-legged Partridge releases – European sites and 500m buffer zones as at 31 May 2021 (61)
Natura sites (England) (62)
National Habitat Network All Habitats Combined (England) (63)
Ancient woodland Ancient woodland
Blanket bog Blanket bog
Coastal saltmarsh Coastal saltmarsh
Coastal sand dunes Coastal sand dunes
Coastal vegetated shingle Coastal vegetated shingle
Lakes Lakes
Limestone pavement Limestone pavement
Lowland calcareous grassland Lowland calcareous grassland
Lowland dry acid grassland Lowland dry acid grassland
Lowland fens Lowland fens
Lowland heathland Lowland heathland
Lowland meadows Lowland meadows
Lowland raised bog Lowland raised bog
Maritime cliff & slope Maritime cliff & slope
Purple moor grass & rush pastures Purple moor grass & rush pastures
Reedbeds Reedbeds
Rivers Rivers
Traditional orchard Traditional orchard
Upland calcareous grassland Upland calcareous grassland
Upland flushes fens & swamps Upland flushes fens & swamps
Upland hay meadow Upland hay meadow
Upland heathland Upland heathland
Wood pasture and parkland Wood pasture and parkland
PHI_Other PHI_Other
Additional land within SSSIs Additional land within SSSIs
Habitat Restoration-Creation Habitat Restoration-Creation
Restorable Habitat Restorable Habitat
Fragmentation Action Zone Fragmentation Action Zone
Network Enhancement Zone 1 Network Enhancement Zone 1
Network Enhancement Zone 2 Network Enhancement Zone 2
Network Expansion Zone Network Expansion Zone
Open Mosaic Habitat (Draft) (64)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Fragmented heath (Non Priority) (England) (65)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Grass Moorland (Non Priority) (England) (66)
Priority Habitat Inventory - No main habitat but additional habitat exists (England) (67)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Brown Hairstreak (69)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Corn Bunting (70)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Curlew (71)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Lapwing (72)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Redshank (73)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Snipe (74)
Upland Breeding Bird Areas For CS (England) (75)
Arable Assemblage Farmland Birds (England) (78)
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Grassland Assemblage Farmland Birds (England) (79)
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
Black Grouse (England) (80)
Cirl Bunting (England) (81)
Corn Bunting (England) (82)
Curlew (England) (83)
Grey Partridge (England) (84)
Lapwing (England) (85)
Redshank (England) (86)
Snipe (England) (87)
Stone Curlew (England) (88)
Tree Sparrow (England) (89)
Turtle Dove (England) (90)
Twite (England) (91)
Yellow Wagtail (England) (92)
Important Bird Areas (GB) - points (94)
Important Bird Areas (GB) (95)
SPA Foraging Range (Maximum) (England) (99)
SPA Foraging Range (Mean Maximum) (England) (100)
SSSI Foraging Range (Maximum) (England) (101)
SSSI Foraging Range (Mean Maximum) (England) (102)
BDMPS Breeding Wind Farm Collision Sensitivity (all species combined) (England) (105)
0.421 - 246.876 0.421 - 246.876
246.877 - 336.988 246.877 - 336.988
336.989 - 583.754 336.989 - 583.754
583.755 - 1259.501 583.755 - 1259.501
1259.502 - 3109.980 1259.502 - 3109.980
3109.981 - 6090.000 3109.981 - 6090.000
CV > 0.5 CV > 0.5
BDMPS Non Breeding Wind Farm Collision Sensitivity (all species combined) (England) (106)
0.110 - 246.876 0.110 - 246.876
246.877 - 336.988 246.877 - 336.988
336.989 - 583.754 336.989 - 583.754
583.755 - 1259.501 583.755 - 1259.501
1259.502 - 3109.980 1259.502 - 3109.980
3109.981 - 8177.370 3109.981 - 8177.370
CV > 0.5 CV > 0.5
BDMPS Breeding Wind Farm Displacement Sensitivity (all species combined) (England) (108)
0.003 - 2.844 0.003 - 2.844
2.845 - 3.809 2.845 - 3.809
3.810 - 6.650 3.810 - 6.650
6.651 - 15.010 6.651 - 15.010
15.011 - 39.611 15.011 - 39.611
39.612 - 112.006 39.612 - 112.006
CV > 0.5 CV > 0.5
BDMPS Non Breeding Wind Farm Displacement Sensitivity (all species combined) (England) (109)
0.001 - 2.844 0.001 - 2.844
2.845 - 3.809 2.845 - 3.809
3.810 - 6.650 3.810 - 6.650
6.651 - 15.010 6.651 - 15.010
15.011 - 39.611 15.011 - 39.611
39.612 - 108.480 39.612 - 108.480
CV > 0.5 CV > 0.5
BDMPS Breeding Wind Farm Combined Sensitivity (all species combined) (England) (111)
0.004 - 2.847 0.004 - 2.847
2.848 - 4.335 2.848 - 4.335
4.336 - 7.178 4.336 - 7.178
7.179 - 12.611 7.179 - 12.611
12.612 - 22.994 12.612 - 22.994
22.995 - 42.836 22.995 - 42.836
CV > 0.5 CV > 0.5
BDMPS Non Breeding Wind Farm Combined Sensitivity (all species combined) (England) (112)
0.001 - 2.847 0.001 - 2.847
2.848 - 4.335 2.848 - 4.335
4.336 - 7.178 4.336 - 7.178
7.179 - 12.611 7.179 - 12.611
12.612 - 22.994 12.612 - 22.994
22.995 - 41.070 22.995 - 41.070
CV > 0.5 CV > 0.5
BDMPS Breeding Tidal Sensitivity (all species combined) (England) (114)
0.076 - 114.890 0.076 - 114.890
114.891 - 149.914 114.891 - 149.914
149.915 - 264.727 149.915 - 264.727
264.728 - 641.099 264.728 - 641.099
641.100 - 1874.891 641.100 - 1874.891
1874.892 - 5919.410 1874.892 - 5919.410
CV > 0.5 CV > 0.5
BDMPS Non Breeding Tidal Sensitivity (all species combined) (England) (115)
0.02 - 115 0.02 - 115
116 - 150 116 - 150
151 - 265 151 - 265
266 - 641 266 - 641
642 - 1875 642 - 1875
1876 - 4923 1876 - 4923
CV > 0.5 CV > 0.5
BDMPS Breeding Wave Sensitivity (all species combined) (England) (116)
0.08 - 95 0.08 - 95
96 - 141 96 - 141
142 - 236 142 - 236
237 - 430 237 - 430
431 - 830 431 - 830
831 - 1651 831 - 1651
CV > 0.5 CV > 0.5
BDMPS Non Breeding Wave Sensitivity (all species combined) (England) (117)
0.07 - 95 0.07 - 95
96 - 141 96 - 141
142 - 236 142 - 236
237 - 430 237 - 430
431 - 830 431 - 830
831 - 1564 831 - 1564
CV > 0.5 CV > 0.5
Seabird Nesting Counts (British Isles) (118)
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in January (120)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in February (121)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in March (122)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in April (123)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in May (124)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in June (125)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in July (126)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in August (127)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in September (128)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in October (129)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in November (130)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index: Median Sensitivity in December (131)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extremely High Extremely High
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - JAN (GB) (133)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - FEB (GB) (134)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - MAR (GB) (135)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - APR (GB) (136)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - MAY (GB) (137)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - JUN (GB) (138)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - JUL (GB) (139)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - AUG (GB) (140)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - SEP (GB) (141)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - OCT (GB) (142)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - NOV (GB) (143)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills - DEC (GB) (144)
Low vulnerability Low vulnerability
Moderate vulnerability Moderate vulnerability
High vulnerability High vulnerability
Very highly vulnerable Very highly vulnerable
Waders and Wildfowl Autumn Mean Peaks (GB) (146)
Waders and Wildfowl Spring Mean Peaks (GB) (147)
Waders and Wildfowl Winter Mean Peaks (GB) (148)
Poisoning - Confirmed incidents 2011 - 2015 by 10km square (151)
1 1
2 2
3 3
Shooting - Confirmed incidents 2011 - 2015 by 10km square (152)
1 1
2 2
Trapping - Confirmed incidents 2011 - 2015 by 10km square (153)
1 1
2 2
3 3
Set traps - Confirmed incidents 2011 - 2015 by 10km square (154)
1 1
2 2
3 3
8 8
Nest destruction - Confirmed incidents 2011 - 2015 by 10km square (155)
1 1
All causes - Confirmed incidents 2011 - 2015 by 10km square (156)
Poisoning Poisoning
Nest Destruction Nest Destruction
Set Traps Set Traps
Shooting Shooting
Traps Traps
All confirmed incidents - Counts 2011 - 2015 by 10km square (157)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
10 10
Poisoning - Confirmed incidents 2015 by 10km square (159)
1 1
Shooting - Confirmed incidents 2015 by 10km square (160)
1 1
Trapping - Confirmed incidents 2015 by 10km square (161)
1 1
Set traps - Confirmed incidents 2015 by 10km square (162)
1 1
Nest destruction - Confirmed incidents 2015 by 10km square (163)
1 1
All confirmed incidents - Counts 2015 by 10km square (164)
1 1
2 2
Poisoning - Confirmed incidents 2014 by 10km square (166)
1 1
Shooting - Confirmed incidents 2014 by 10km square (167)
1 1
Trapping - Confirmed incidents 2014 by 10km square (168)
1 1
Set traps - Confirmed incidents 2014 by 10km square (169)
1 1
7 7
Nest destruction - Confirmed incidents 2014 by 10km square (170)
1 1
All confirmed incidents - Counts 2014 by 10km square (171)
1 1
2 2
7 7
Poisoning - Confirmed incidents 2013 by 10km square (173)
1 1
2 2
Shooting - Confirmed incidents 2013 by 10km square (174)
1 1
Trapping - Confirmed incidents 2013 by 10km square (175)
1 1
Set traps - Confirmed incidents 2013 by 10km square (176)
1 1
2 2
3 3
All confirmed incidents - Counts 2013 by 10km square (177)
1 1
2 2
3 3
Poisoning - Confirmed incidents 2012 by 10km square (179)
1 1
Shooting - Confirmed incidents 2012 by 10km square (180)
1 1
2 2
Trapping - Confirmed incidents 2012 by 10km square (181)
1 1
2 2
Set traps - Confirmed incidents 2012 by 10km square (182)
1 1
Nest destruction - Confirmed incidents 2012 by 10km square (183)
1 1
All confirmed incidents - Counts 2012 by 10km square (184)
1 1
2 2
Poisoning - Confirmed incidents 2011 by 10km square (186)
1 1
Shooting - Confirmed incidents 2011 by 10km square (187)
1 1
Trapping - Confirmed incidents 2011 by 10km square (188)
1 1
Set traps - Confirmed incidents 2011 by 10km square (189)
1 1
Nest destruction - Confirmed incidents 2011 by 10km square (190)
1 1
All confirmed incidents - Counts 2011 by 10km square (191)
1 1
2 2
Atlantic White Sided Dolphin - Max Sighting Rate Per Hour (GB) (194)
0.0001 to 0.1 0.0001 to 0.1
0.1 to 1.0 0.1 to 1.0
1.0 to 3.0 1.0 to 3.0
3.0 to 13 3.0 to 13
Atlantic White Sided Dolphin - Search Time (GB) (195)
0.1 to 10 hours 0.1 to 10 hours
10 to 100 hours 10 to 100 hours
more than 100 hours more than 100 hours
Grey Seal Breeding Colonies (GB) (196)
Small colonies Small colonies
Big colonies Big colonies
Harbour Porpoise - Max Sighting Rate Per Hour (GB) (197)
0.0001 to 0.1 0.0001 to 0.1
0.1 to 1.0 0.1 to 1.0
1.0 to 3.0 1.0 to 3.0
3.0 to 17 3.0 to 17
17 to 106 17 to 106
Harbour Porpoise - Search Time (GB) (198)
0.1 to 10 hours 0.1 to 10 hours
10 to 100 hours 10 to 100 hours
more than 100 hours more than 100 hours
Minke Whales - Max Sighting Rate Per Hour (GB) (199)
0.0001 to 0.1 0.0001 to 0.1
0.1 to 1.0 0.1 to 1.0
1.0 to 2.0 1.0 to 2.0
2.0 to 2.5 2.0 to 2.5
Minke Whales - Search Time (GB) (200)
0.1 to 10 hours 0.1 to 10 hours
10 to 100 hours 10 to 100 hours
more than 100 hours more than 100 hours
Common Bottlenose Dolphin - Max Sighting Rate Per Hour (GB) (201)
0.000101 to 0.1 0.000101 to 0.1
0.1 to 1.0 0.1 to 1.0
1.0 to 3.0 1.0 to 3.0
3.0 to 17 3.0 to 17
Common Bottlenose Dolphin - Search Time (GB) (202)
0.1 to 10 hours 0.1 to 10 hours
10 to 100 hours 10 to 100 hours
more than 100 hours more than 100 hours
White Beaked Dolphin - Max Sighting Rate Per Hour (GB) (203)
0.0001 to 0.1 0.0001 to 0.1
0.1 to 1.0 0.1 to 1.0
1.0 to 3.0 1.0 to 3.0
3.0 to 8 3.0 to 8
White Beaked Dolphin - Search Time (GB) (204)
0.1 to 10 hours 0.1 to 10 hours
10 to 100 hours 10 to 100 hours
more than 100 hours more than 100 hours
Summarised Botanical Value Map 2022 (206)
High High
Moderate Moderate
Low Low
no indicators, poor survey coverage no indicators, poor survey coverage
Important Plant Areas Plantlife (GB) (207)
Granted European Protected Species Applications (England) (209)
Amphibian Amphibian
Bat Bat
Cetacean Cetacean
Invertebrate Invertebrate
Other Mammal Other Mammal
Plant Plant
Reptile Reptile
Great Crested Newt Class Survey Licence Returns (England) (210)
Great Crested Newt Pond Surveys 2017 - 2019 (211)
10 FIG present 10 FIG present
10 FIG absent 10 FIG absent
10 FIG inconclusive 10 FIG inconclusive
8 FIG present 8 FIG present
6 FIG present 6 FIG present
4 FIG present 4 FIG present
4 FIG absent 4 FIG absent
4 FIG inconclusive 4 FIG inconclusive