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Legend (MAGIC/Countryside)

GS9 and GS10 Eligibility for CS (England) (2)
Upland Breeding Bird Areas For CS (England) (3)
Ramsar Sites (England) - points (5)
Ramsar Sites (England) (6)
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England) - points (8)
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England) (9)
Special Areas of Conservation (England) - points (11)
Special Areas of Conservation (England) (12)
Special Protection Areas (England) - points (14)
Special Protection Areas (England) (15)
Woodland Priority Habitat Network (England) (17)
High Spatial Priority High Spatial Priority
Lower Spatial Priority Lower Spatial Priority
Woodland Improvement (England) (18)
High Spatial Priority High Spatial Priority
Lower Spatial Priority Lower Spatial Priority
Priority Habitat Inventory - Coastal Saltmarsh (England) (20)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Coastal Sand Dunes (England) (21)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Coastal Vegetated Shingle (England) (22)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Maritime Cliffs and Slopes (England) (23)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Mudflats (England) (24)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Saline Lagoons (England) (25)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Calaminarian Grassland (England) (27)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh (England) (28)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Good quality semi-improved grassland (Non Priority) (England) (29)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Calcareous Grassland (England) (30)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Dry Acid Grassland (England) (31)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Meadows (England) (32)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Purple Moor Grass and Rush Pasture (England) (33)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Upland Calcareous Grassland (England) (34)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Upland Hay Meadows (England) (35)
Refined Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh (England) (36)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Heathland (England) (38)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Mountain Heaths and Willow Scrub (England) (39)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Upland Heathland (England) (40)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Limestone Pavements (England) (42)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Blanket Bog (England) (44)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Fens (England) (45)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Lowland Raised Bog (England) (46)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Reedbeds (England) (47)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Upland Flushes, Fens and Swamps (England) (48)
Priority Habitat Inventory – Ponds and Lakes (England) (49)
Ancient Woodland (England) (51)
Ancient and Semi-Natural Woodland Ancient and Semi-Natural Woodland
Ancient Replanted Woodland Ancient Replanted Woodland
Ancient Woodland – Revised COMPLETED COUNTIES (England) (52)
Ancient & Semi-Natural Woodland Ancient & Semi-Natural Woodland
Ancient Replanted Woodland Ancient Replanted Woodland
Ancient Wood Pasture Ancient Wood Pasture
Priority Habitat Inventory - Deciduous Woodland (England) (53)
National Forest Inventory (GB) (54)
Assumed woodland Assumed woodland
Broadleaved Broadleaved
Cloud \ shadow Cloud \ shadow
Conifer Conifer
Coppice Coppice
Coppice with standards Coppice with standards
Failed Failed
Felled Felled
Ground prep Ground prep
Low density Low density
Mixed mainly broadleaved Mixed mainly broadleaved
Mixed mainly conifer Mixed mainly conifer
Shrub Shrub
Uncertain Uncertain
Windthrow Windthrow
Young trees Young trees
Priority Habitat Inventory - Traditional Orchards (England) (55)
Woodpasture and Parkland BAP Priority Habitat (England) (56)
National Habitat Network All Habitats Combined (England) (58)
Ancient woodland Ancient woodland
Blanket bog Blanket bog
Coastal saltmarsh Coastal saltmarsh
Coastal sand dunes Coastal sand dunes
Coastal vegetated shingle Coastal vegetated shingle
Lakes Lakes
Limestone pavement Limestone pavement
Lowland calcareous grassland Lowland calcareous grassland
Lowland dry acid grassland Lowland dry acid grassland
Lowland fens Lowland fens
Lowland heathland Lowland heathland
Lowland meadows Lowland meadows
Lowland raised bog Lowland raised bog
Maritime cliff & slope Maritime cliff & slope
Purple moor grass & rush pastures Purple moor grass & rush pastures
Reedbeds Reedbeds
Rivers Rivers
Traditional orchard Traditional orchard
Upland calcareous grassland Upland calcareous grassland
Upland flushes fens & swamps Upland flushes fens & swamps
Upland hay meadow Upland hay meadow
Upland heathland Upland heathland
Wood pasture and parkland Wood pasture and parkland
PHI_Other PHI_Other
Additional land within SSSIs Additional land within SSSIs
Habitat Restoration-Creation Habitat Restoration-Creation
Restorable Habitat Restorable Habitat
Fragmentation Action Zone Fragmentation Action Zone
Network Enhancement Zone 1 Network Enhancement Zone 1
Network Enhancement Zone 2 Network Enhancement Zone 2
Network Expansion Zone Network Expansion Zone
Open Mosaic Habitat (Draft) (59)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Fragmented heath (Non Priority) (England) (60)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Grass Moorland (Non Priority) (England) (61)
Priority Habitat Inventory - No main habitat but additional habitat exists (England) (62)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Brown Hairstreak (64)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Corn Bunting (65)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Curlew (66)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Lapwing (67)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Redshank (68)
Priority Species for CS Targeting - Snipe (69)
Upland Breeding Bird Areas For CS (England) (70)
Farm Wildlife Package Areas (England) (71)
Woodland Bird Assemblage (England) (72)
Woodland - Willow Tit (England) (73)
Woodland - Black Grouse (England) (74)
Woodland - Red Squirrel - Creation (England) (75)
Woodland - Red Squirrel - Management (England) (76)
Countryside Stewardship Water Quality Priority Areas (England) (78)
High Priority High Priority
Medium Priority Medium Priority
Groundwater Nitrate Issues Priority (England) (79)
High Priority High Priority
Medium Priority Medium Priority
Surface Water Nitrate Issues Priority (England) (80)
High Priority High Priority
Medium Priority Medium Priority
Groundwater Pesticide Issues Priority (England) (81)
High Priority High Priority
Surface Water Pesticide Issues Priority (England) (82)
High Priority High Priority
Medium Priority Medium Priority
Faecal Indicator Organisms Issues Priority (England) (83)
High Priority High Priority
Medium Priority Medium Priority
Sediment Issues Priority (England) (84)
High Priority High Priority
Medium Priority Medium Priority
Phosphate Issues Priority (England) (85)
High Priority High Priority
Medium Priority Medium Priority
Flood Risk Management Priorities (England) (86)
High Priority High Priority
Medium Priority Medium Priority
Woodland - Water Quality (England) (87)
High Spatial Priority High Spatial Priority
Lower Spatial Priority Lower Spatial Priority
Woodland - Flood Risk (England) (88)
High Spatial Priority High Spatial Priority
Lower Spatial Priority Lower Spatial Priority
Woodland - Water Quality - Acidification (England) (89)
Water Framework Directive Management Catchments (England) (90)
Former Catchment Sensitive Farming Priority Areas 2011-2015 (England) (91)
Catchment Partnership Catchment Partnership
Priority Catchment Priority Catchment
Keeping Rivers Cool (England) (93)
Project Areas - Making Space for Water Demonstration Projects & Test Catchments (England) (94)
Demonstration Test Catchment Demonstration Test Catchment
Making Space for Water Demonstration Catchment Making Space for Water Demonstration Catchment
Nature Improvement Areas (England) (95)
Community Forests (England) (96)
Project Areas - Woodland for Water Priority Catchments (England) (97)
Scheduled Monuments (England) - points (100)
Scheduled Monuments (England) (101)
Registered Battlefields (England) - points (103)
Registered Battlefields (England) (104)
Registered Parks and Gardens (England) - points (106)
Registered Parks and Gardens (England) (107)
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (England) (109)
Countryside Stewardship Special Project Areas (England) (110)
Environmentally Sensitive Areas (England) (111)
National Character Area Level Landscape Features (England) (112)
National Historic Landscape Characterisation (250m Grid) (England) (113)
Civic Provision Civic Provision
Commerce Commerce
Communications Communications
Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Ancient Form) Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Ancient Form)
Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Pre Modern Form) Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Pre Modern Form)
Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Modern Form) Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Modern Form)
Industry Industry
Military Military
Orchards Horticulture And Aquaculture Orchards Horticulture And Aquaculture
Recreation Recreation
Settlement Settlement
Unimproved Land Unimproved Land
Water Supply And Flood Defence Water Supply And Flood Defence
Woodland And Forestry Woodland And Forestry
National Historic Landscape Characterisation (500m Grid) (England) (114)
Civic Provision Civic Provision
Commerce Commerce
Communications Communications
Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Ancient Form) Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Ancient Form)
Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Pre Modern Form) Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Pre Modern Form)
Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Modern Form) Enclosed Agriculture (Typically Modern Form)
Industry Industry
Military Military
Orchards Horticulture And Aquaculture Orchards Horticulture And Aquaculture
Recreation Recreation
Settlement Settlement
Unimproved Land Unimproved Land
Water Supply And Flood Defence Water Supply And Flood Defence
Woodland And Forestry Woodland And Forestry
National Parks (England) (115)
Nature Improvement Areas including Near Miss NIA's (England) (116)
Priority Habitat Inventory - Traditional Orchards (England) (117)
World Heritage Sites (England) - points (119)
World Heritage Sites (England) (120)
Buffer Zone Buffer Zone
World Heritage Site World Heritage Site
Climate Change Vulnerability Buffers (England) (122)
Low Low
Medium Medium
Refugia Zones (England) (123)
Sites Sensitive to Ammonia Pollution (England) (124)